Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Gender bias is undermining our social fabric and devalues all of us. It is not just a human rights issue; it is a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential. By denying women equal rights, we deny half the population a chance to live life at its fullest. Political, economic and social equality for women will benefit all the world’s citizens. Together we can eradicate prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all.

Goal 5 in action

To achieve gender equality, we all have to take action. Get inspired here:

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The Targets

Everyone can help to make sure that we meet the Global Goals. Use these nine targets to create action for gender equality.

Get involved

Together we can achieve gender equality together. Here you can see what you can do to contribute. Find organizations to support, information to share and some useful tips for your everyday life that can really make a difference.